Documents on ESP32 and TTGO T-Display

This article provides references on the ESP32 and on the LilyGO TTGO T-Display development board used in my projects.

General documentation on ESP32 is provided on the Espressif ESP32 Resources website.

The site provides excellent tutorials on the ESP32 and the ESP8266 and its various applications. Those tutorials served as the basis for the various experiments.

Andreas Spiess made several videos on his YouTube channel about the ESP32, the various development boards and applications (LoRa, …).

To develop and upload an application to the ESP32 there are several possibilities for a development environment: Arduino IDE, Micropython, Espressif ESP-IDF, Processing… As for me already carrying out projects with the Arduino Nano I use the Arduino IDE. The only constraint is to change the target board in the “tools” menu before compiling/uploading.

The LilyGO TTGO T-Display development board pinout is only a subset of the pins available on the ESP32. Some pins may have different roles by software configuration. On the other hand, the use of some is fixed because of its use in the board:
– the pins 0 and 35 are connected to the buttons.
– the pins 4, 5, 16, 18, 19 and 23 are connected to the built-in tft screen (SPI bus).
The I2C bus is accessible on pins 21 and 22. The board has a connector for an external 3.7V battery.
The interface to the PC is an USB C.

TTGO T-Display pinout

TTGO T-Display board specific documentation is provided:

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