YAESU FT-857D parameters display with an Arduino

A display of some Yaesu FT-857D’s parameters was developed for a 4×20 LCD screen. The software implements via the serial link the FT-857D CAT (Computer Aided Transceiver) controls and additional readings of the transceiver’s EEPROM. The developments were made from a source code developed for Arduino by VE3BUX.

The development is directly applicable to the FT-897D and with memory address changes to the FT-817 and FT-818.

The technical document: Read the article

The source code includes:

  • the FT857D_display_test.ino program,
  • the FT857D library (FT857D.cpp and FT857D.h) which is to be installed in Arduino “librairies”.

The following source codes are given “as is”; it may contain bugs. Its reuse is under the sole responsibility of the developer; any damage resulting from its use is beyond my responsibility.

The source code is available on Github : Version 1.04

7 thoughts on “YAESU FT-857D parameters display with an Arduino

  1. Hello Sm7mdo Heino.

    I try to get the FT857D_display_test.ino program, but i get a error ?
    so can you help me ???

    Arduino:1.8.13 (Windows 7), Kort:”Arduino Uno”
    FT857D_display_test:49:10: fatal error: FT857D.h: No such file or directory
    #include “FT857D.h” // the file FT857D.h has a lot of documentation which I’ve added to make using the library easier
    compilation terminated.
    exit status 1
    FT857D.h: No such file or directory

    73 de sm7mdo

    1. Hello Heino
      it seems that the file FT857D.h is not in the Arduino library FT857D.
      I’m going to send you info by mail.


  2. Bonjour F6CZV Philippe !

    Je perds tout espoir !

    Il y a un Ft-857 avec un affichage “0%” défectueux.

    Je téléchargerais le code du programme sur Arduino Nano pour Ft-857 et je reçois cela comme un message d’erreur !

    “La requête loadSketch a échoué avec le message : 5 NOT_FOUND : Impossible d’ouvrir l’esquisse : aucune esquisse valide trouvée dans C:\Users\hz\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Arduino_FT857_CAT_master : manquant C:\Users\hz\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ Arduino_FT857_CAT_master\Arduino_FT857_CAT_master.ino”

    Écran 4×20, Arduino Nano, adaptateur I2C-LCD (TWI/I2C/I2CLCD)

    73 dx op.Zoltan

  3. Not traslate:

    “Request loadSketch failed with message: 5 NOT_FOUND: Can’t open sketch: no valid sketch found in C:\Users\hz\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Arduino_FT857_CAT_master: missing C:\Users\hz\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Arduino_FT857_CAT_master\Arduino_FT857_CAT_master.ino”

    1. Bonjour Zoltan

      Je pense qu’il s’agit d’un problème d’installation. Faire les étapes suivantes en prenant la bibliothèque et le programme .ino que j’ai mis sur Github:
      – créer dans C:\Users\hz\Documents\Arduino\libraries le répertoire FT857D
      – mettre dans ce répertoire les fichiers FT857D.cpp et FT857D.h
      – créer par exemple dans C:\Users\hz\Documents\Arduino le répertoire FT857D_display_test (il est possible de le mettre ailleurs)
      – copier dans ce répertoire le fichier FT857D_display_test.ino
      – ouvrir ce fichier avec l’IDE Arduino et cela devrait compiler

      Si vous créer un autre programme partez de mon exemple pour inclure les bonnes bibliothèques

      Pour les tests faire attention aux connexions Rx et Tx pour ne pas les inverser.

      Philippe F6CZV

  4. Is it possible to get this -YAESU FT-857D parameters display with an Arduino- in kit form and what will be the cost to India ?

    VU2TE Unni

    1. Dear Unni
      I’m sorry but my solution is not available as a kit; it is only a breadboard.
      I saw on the web similar solutions available as a kit or as an add-on : search “yeasu ft857 display” on ebay or see https://www.catknobz.com/ for example. I don’t know any of the products.

      Philippe F6CZV

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