The SDRuno software allows to interface the CAT link of a transceiver using the Omni-Rig software to control the frequency and mode in both directions. This software also provides frequency and mode synchronization with another CAT software such as DXLab Commander for example, using virtual COM ports by emulating a Kenwood CAT. This article presents such a configuration with the FTdx101 and another configuration without the Kenwood interface whose advantages will be presented.
- Configuration n°1

This is the standard configuration to use SDRuno coupled with another CAT software:
– SDRuno drives the radio via Omni-Rig,
– the other CAT software interfaces via a pair of virtual COM ports, SDRuno that emulates a Kenwood TS-480.
To create the pair of virtual COM ports I use the VSPE software which is free in 32-bit mode and low cost in 64-bit mode. The drawbacks of this configuration are:
– it allows to connect only one other CAT software.
– the other CAT software is interfaced to a virtual Kenwood radio and can not use the specificities of the FTdx101.
– if SDRuno is not activated, it is necessary to change the other CAT software configuration.
- Configuration n°2

In configuration n°2 the COM port of the FTdx101 is directly interfaced by the VSPE software which allows to create a “splitted” virtual COM port. Each software (Omni-Rig, Commander, N1MM …) can directly interface the FTdx101, sending commands to and receiving information (frequencies, modes, ..) from the FTdx101. In this case the configuration of one software does not change according to the presence of another.
This configuration can be used for other radio models.
- References
FTdx101 CAT: FTdx101 CAT reference manual
Omni-Rig 1.20: DX Atlas: Amateur Radio software
VSPE: Eterlogic – VSPE: tool for serial ports emulation
Pan adapter output for ft1000 Mark V field
73 from Philippe F6CZV